Monday, November 10, 2014

Nigeria School Blast Kills Dozens by Bella Dekhtyar

   On Monday morning, today, an explosion occurred at a secondary school in Yobe, north-east Nigeria. Officials have found 47 people dead, and 79 others injured. The students were gathering for a morning assembly when a bomb went off at 7:50 a.m. So far, there is no definite claims to the responsibility of the attack, but officials believe Boko Haram militants are most likely supsects. The Boko Haram is an islamic group, who wants to create "a hardline Islamic sate in northern Nigeria." The group has been responsible for other deadly attacks on schools teaching "western" curriculum, which is against Islamic belief. In April, the group kidnapped 276 girls from the town of Chibok in Borno (north-east Nigeria). More than six months later, 219 of the girls are still being held. Boko Haram has seized at least two dozen towns towns and villages in recent months.

   Not only has this affected the lives of hundreds of people, but there has also been a raising doubt about the government's ability to control the region. It is a delicate topic for many, and is an arousing issue for several years now. Until further precautions are taken, the people are still in doubt of how the government can maintain peace among the regions of northern Africa and beyond.


  1. This is the story I plan on posting about, so I wanted to read your opinion. When you say government, are you referring to theirs or ours? If ours, it is not our governments responsibility to regulate other countries; it violates their rights if such is done. If theirs, I feel that tge government should try a different approach, because regulations typically don't do much beyond violate the rights of innocent people. If someone wants to do something illegal, they'll still do it if it's illegal or really illegal.

  2. I believe the government is not strong enough to govern this region.If there has been doubt about the government for several years, then there is most likely something wrong.

  3. I agree with Shina in saying that our government nor any other government has a right to change or regulate any other country and their beliefs. In fact, it's supposedly the American ideal that advocates freedom of belief and speech more so than anyone else! However, the government in Nigeria appears to be relatively inactive or unable to 'control' these groups, at least keeping their people safe. I simply don't understand how producing violence and terror among these people would make them more inclined to follow any kind of intended path, however, we don't know definitely if this Islamic group is responsible or not.
    - Sophia Davison
