Monday, November 3, 2014

Deadly Potiskum Blast by Saul Flores

     Yesterday a suspected Boko Haram suicide bomber aimed fire at religious procession of the Shia Islamic brotherhood in Potiskum town of Yobe State. A total of 29 deaths were caused and a number of 80 serious casualties came as a result of the blast. 22 were immediate deaths after the bomb while the other seven were killed by a shooting that occurred right after the bombing at the same scene. The bomber attended the Shia Islamic service and pretended to participate, but he then unlatched the bomb from the explosive vest that he wore when the ritual began.

     I understand that the man might have differences in beliefs that oppose the Islamic tradition, but that gives him no reason to go out and kill all these people. This tragedy is extremely horrible because their place of worship is supposed to be the most spiritually safe place for them to be, but little did they know that they were going be blasted with a bomb by some crazy, idiotic man.

1 comment:

  1. But Saul, what if their religion states that everybody in the world must follow their religion and their religion only, and if not then that person must die? Wouldn't his actions be "JUSTIFIED" then?
