Monday, November 3, 2014

US Woman End Her Life Mariela Lomeli

      With her You- Tube video that went viral about her self assigned death, Brittany Maynard caused many to debate this issue on assisted-suicide. Mrs. Maynard, who was 29 and suffering from a terminal brain cancer, died in her home with administered lethal drugs. She knew what was coming, so she felt that the time for her to leave was the right time. Assisted suicide is a controversial topic in the US, where it faces opposition from Christian groups and of course among others.  

      Honestly, I don't know what to say, but I know for sure that everybody makes their own life decisions that no one else will be able to make for them. Taking her life was one of those hardest life challenges possible for her I mean, she had o decide to die or to keep on going suffering until her last day because this cancer was for sure going to take her life a way. She was very young and that is why this topic hit hard and because she made a video where she was crying unmentionably. Just wish her my best wherever she is and her family support since losing someone is not the easiest thing in the earth. update0/appp4./


  1. This is very tragic, but I agree with her decision to commit suicide. If I were her, I would've done the exact same thing because I'd rather die now and avoid the suffering pain of cancer later.

  2. It definitely is a controversial topic. It's been displayed on the news as a debate over whether or not doctors should administer lethal drugs to clients due to painful illnesses (and certainly the patient's preference).

  3. This is extremely sad. I don't agree with the fact that she had to tell the whole world about it and possibly persuade others to do it.
