Monday, November 3, 2014

Sea Giants Need Urgent Protection Mariela Lomeli

   In the Britain Seas, pollution and many other disasters have developed causing the great predators of the sea needing protection. The government is trying to work on it but you know how that works. The Trusts say the survival rate would increase if they free the areas with intensive boat use and noisy development along the shore line. We all know that oil spills happen and can cause many fatalities. They recognize the important of dolphins, wales, and sharks but are they willing to risk economy for the animals of earth?

   I know they will be able to find the most effective way to control this situation. However, the animals will still suffer if no one steps up to fight for those that don't have a voice. It is unjust to destroy the homes of these living creatures when they have no faults and are just trying to live their life. Save the animals!!! update/9079/,,./;k


1 comment:

  1. I think that the people and government will be easily persuaded to stop the deaths and sufferings of these animals. It's only right.
