Monday, April 1, 2013

Principal Killed (vanessa de la cruz)


A  attack in the Pakastani city of Karachi killed a principal and injured eight others. The susbect is a   unidentified motorcyclist who through a grenade towards the school before firing multiple shots at a  middle school in the Baldia town. The principal was seriously injured and due to his injuries he passed away in the hospital. The others included a teacher and  students. this is really scary that even in schools where we are suppost to be learning and becoming successful we are in danger. Schools are filled with inocent children who all they want to do is play why should they be put in harm.


  1. This is awful. I hope the children are ok

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  3. Amaria Stern
    I hope the guy did this is brought to justice.

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  5. That's scary. Children should be able to feel safe while attending school. It's unbelievable that someone would do such a thing.

  6. This is horrible, I fail to understand why people do these cruel things with no acceptable reason.
