Monday, September 19, 2016

Aeva Ramirez, gun control

There has been a bigger debate on gun control since the 2016 Presidential Election. Hillary Clinton does not believe in having the common citizens of the U.S. with easy access to guns as she has said, "I  believe weapons of war have no place on our streets." She does not mean to band them only to tighten the access and process of getting guns. Donald Trump believes whole heartedly that the second amendment if necessary, but agrees in tightening the process of acquiring a gun as well. The only difference is just how tight those regulations should be. 

So lets talk about guns, basically both presidential candidates have the same agreement on Gun Control but it has been so overly publicized and exaggerated, that it comes across as, Hillary wants to get rid of guns when actually her and Trump have many common view points. If any thing the debate should be more about illegal guns and what the candidates will do to break down the illegal smuggling of guns. I personally do not have a strong decision on wether guns should be legal or not but I do believe in tightening regulations.


  1. I can see where the presidential candidates views on this subject have become exaggerated, I personally believe that if you have a concealed gun, you know how to safely use it and have a license, it's ok. But when it comes to open carry, I'm against it. I don't see the practicality of carrying an assault rifle into your local store, It's also very threatening to the other people and children around.

  2. that's interesting to know that the candidates see things more similarly than everyone thought. i really didnt know that.

  3. I agree with your comment about tightening the regulations. It it too easy to buy a gun now days and it needs to be fixed. If we tightened out control laws, I believe we could reduce the amount of attacks daily.

  4. I feel that guns should be illegal to sell unless you show your license to the store and go through a process to buy it, AND that licenses should be harder to receive with more background checks and more tests.
