Saturday, September 17, 2016

Melanie Escalante- Historical church in Peru suffers from fire

In Peru's ancient city of Cusco, tragedy struck San Sebastian Church on Friday when the 17th century building caught on fire. However, no one knows what ignited this baleful fire. Not only is there damage to the church's altar of gold-gilded cedar wood, altar ceiling, roof, and hallway but the masterpieces from the Cuzco School of Roman Catholic art has also been damaged/destroyed. The two canvases and the sculpture, along with the other damaged structures, are irretrievable. However, not all hope is lost. The cultural heritage will be put back in place with help from the architects and restorers.
I know this church means a lot to the people of Peru, especially elders who have payed high respects towards this ancient site. The San Sebastian Church has been around since the 17th century so I guess something was bound to happen. I still can't imagine how devastated the people who put their hard work over the years into making sure the church can remain healthy must be. I'm glad the community is going to keep working rather than give up on the church.

1 comment:

  1. Its so awful to hear that a beloved historical building that meant so much to Peruvian citizens has been damaged so badly. It is good to hear that people are trying to restore it as best as possible, because the building sounds like it has a lot of significance.
