Monday, September 26, 2016

Ellie Bush current event #5

Doctors may have discovered an interesting way to get rid of kidney stones. Several riders on the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad in Disney World had reported passing kidney stones after they went on the ride. One man said that his kidney stone passed after riding the ride 3 consecutive times.

Even though it is an unconventional way for kidney stones to pass, this could be a breakthrough in medicine. If rollercoaster-like movements help get rid of kidney stones, doctors could help patients with kidney stones by using movement. This article was probably written to let people know about this interesting theory. This could also even save people with kidney stones a trip to the doctor- they can just go to Disney world! (Not really)


  1. That's so fascinating! I wonder if the doctors would create a simulation that mimics the harsh movements of a roller coaster.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is so cool! Its so crazy how the most unexpected things can cure problems in medicine. It just goes to show not to take things to seriously and to try even the craziest of theories. Also what a fun way to get rid of kidney stones!
