Monday, September 19, 2016

I phone 7 CPU noise "hissgate"

Recently, there has been a bit if fuss regarding the I phone 7 and buzzing noises. When we boot up an I phone 7 it makes a faint buzzing noise that can really only be heard if you are looking out for it. For some reason, this is causing a lot of controversy, unwarrented controversy at that. The thing is, all computers make this sound, you just have to find it. People need to shut up and focus on real problems. Why do Americans have to put the word gate after everything and make it a big deal?


  1. I agree! There are other problems in this world! Why focus on such a small thing like an iphone when - i know its cliche - but there are starving children.

  2. This I so true. People should not complain over little things when the rest of the phone is amazing. There are plenty of other things to complain over.
