Monday, September 19, 2016

Noah Hirsch: current event #4

This week the brand new iPhone 7 was announced which you've probably already heard about but there is another 7 in the tech world that I want to talk about today.  This the Samsung galaxy note 7. The Note 7 was met rave reviews when it launched last month but in the past few weeks a problem has emerged.  The Note 7 phones are exploding!  This is no joke, there have been several incidents of the battery exploding in people's Note 7's.  Now this story came out last week but I'm writing about it today because the government has officially ordered a recall of all Note 7 phones.  This is no longer Samsung trying to fix the problem now the U.S. government has taken control of the situation.

I find this very concerning because we really so heavily on our electronic devices so the last thing we need is then blowing us up.  I also think this is why we should stop expecting technology componies to release new phones every year.  Think about how hard of a challenge that actually is.  If company's took more time to perfect their products things like this wouldn't happen.


  1. i feel that they should fix it because its frickle fracking paddy wacking blowing up in peoples faces and that could literally kill you

  2. I agree that it's a concern because this generation basically thinks that they "need" a cell phone, which they don't. I think that the competition between companies is way too harsh and its causing them to rush and make one product better than the other without realizing that they have to be safe to release it.
