Sunday, November 25, 2012

Code Has Yet To Be Deciphered by Kira Bell

Attached to the remains of a pigion was a container containing a letter written in a secret code. Cryptographers and historians are at a loss for what it means. They have determined that it was from World War II, obviously carried on a pigion. Its possible their was some sort of operation or formula to read it another possibility would be that it was meant to be read with a key each letter meaning another.
What I found interesting is that people are interested in an artifact that could very likely be nothing important like a childs note to a friend, but the posibility it could be something more drives people's intrest regaurdless.

1 comment:

  1. I read an article about this also. It is a great story. I am amazed how the pigeons were able to carry messages back and forth like this. They had a very important roll during this war.
