Monday, November 19, 2012

Possible racist shootings in New York

On Monday, the New York Police Department found a third victim of a murderer in Brooklyn dead in his shop. All three of the past victims were middle-eastern and all owned small shops with no survielence cameras to detect criminal activity. All shots were made with the same .22 caliber bullet casings and all three victims were shot in the same place. the evidence shows that it is likely the killer killed all three middle eastern shop owners.
New York City Police and FBI at scene of a shooting near the Empire State Building in New York.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow. You know, ignorant people really piss me off. What can you possibly gain from murdering an innocent person? I don't understand society anymore. I hope that this killer if found and justice is brought to all those that have suffered in this twisted set of events.
