Monday, November 26, 2012

Sweden confirms adults with ADHD commit fewer crimes? -Anneke Davis

ADHD, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, a pretty common "disease". A disorder that isn't really curable but can be controlled with the proper medication. Sweden, along with the rest of western Europe, got results from studies that showed a majority of patients over the age of 15 that have ADHD and are on their medications, commit fewer crimes than when they're not. It is said that the treatment has a certain influence on the patience, a more controlled and positive influence that decreases the result in criminal behavior.
Adults With ADHD Commit Fewer Crimes When Medicated, Study Says
( ADHD medication. Picture Source:

On my note of this article, I think it's pretty obvious that the criminal rates would be lower when people are on their medication rather than when theyre off. Of course, their behaviours are under controlled and thier calm. I think this applys to anyone on any medication, because like I said theyre more in controled and their bodies arnt just taking over, doing without thinking.

This article was written by Makiko Kitamura, on Novemeber 21st 2012 at 4:00 p.m.


-Anneke Davis


  1. That's crazy! In a good way. Id never think of this before. Great article. Opened my mind.

  2. I could see how medication could influence anyone's behavior, it's good to know that positive effect of that medication.

  3. That makes sense, since the medication makes you more focused.

  4. it probably helps out in that way, but to me that doesn't look healthy for your body.

  5. It's good that the medicine is helping them be calm, but are there any negative side effects?
