Sunday, September 30, 2012

Boycott your lunches? Adam Phan

      A new trend that is hitting Facebook and social medias is; "Boycott your lunches". A senior at a highschool decided to take a movement with creating the; "Brown bag movement". By starting this movement,  the rate of students purchasing lunches have dropped from 300 students to only about 20 hungry students waiting in line. Joey the protest starter started this revolution by taking pictures of his unappetizing  school lunches and posting them on his Facebook to start a trending topic to his fellow friends. Many different testimonials were posted on CNN's "Student Blog" all ranging from; satisfaction of their school lunch and even hate of their school lunch. Lunches around the U.S. are being changed with claims of no sodium and less fat, but most schools offer a negative Soda machine for the students. As the fight for better school lunches continue on, school districts plan to make a move on more appetizing lunches for students. Booker T. kids, I have talked to the school lunch ladies at our school and they would love to help change our experience on school food! Make sure to befriend the wonderful ladies and give them suggestions for new school lunches. We are Booker T. if our school's spirit is to be free and proud, shouldn't we also be proud on what we eat? Let's make a change for that, shall we?


  1. This would be a great change. Better and healthier school lunches will benefit everyone. Great Article!

  2. I think better and healthier foods for lunch would be a great change!

  3. I think anything at this moment would be a step up from our lunches.
