Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Onions Send McDonalds Customer into "McFury" Walker Tindall

     Recently a Oregon man was charged for throwing a soft drink into a McDonalds employee's face and smashing a McDonalds cash register.  The man had ordered a a quarter-pounder with no onions and yet his burger appeared with onions.  He called the restaurant to complain, and they in turn offered him a refund and a new burger.  He reappeared at the restaurant but went it to a "McFury" because employees refused to then replace the burger since he had already eaten it.  The man was charged with first-degree criminal mischief, second-degree disorderly conduct, and harassment.  I think this event was some what acceptable on the employee's part, however they should have replaced the already eaten burger just to please the man.  However, disorderly conduct such as this man showed in unacceptable.  It is not right to get so mad because an order was simply wrong.  However, this man has now been charged, which I feel was the right thing.  


  1. Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/onions-hamburger-sends-oregon-man-mcfury-192520130.html

  2. This man got mad over onions, he still ate the burger and then had the nerve to throw a fit? Firstly, onions are one of the easiest toppings to remove. Secondly, who raised this man? A grown man throwing a temper tantrum that's horrible. Yes, the restaurant could have replaced his food but even if they did'nt trashing equipment is uncalled for.
    -Kennedi Mayes

  3. Oh my goodness. I can't believe this actually happened. If I order a burger without onions, I don't want onions. I think that I would have gone into a similar rage. Yes, things probably could have been sorted out better, but oh well. These things happen.

  4. He got mad... over onions? That's awesome. Look up Weird Al "Stuck in a Drivethrough," you will see why this is funny.
