Sunday, September 23, 2012

I Phone 5 by Milan Hamilton

 Piles of Apple's new iPhone 5 sit in boxes in an Apple store in Paris.

  Thousands of fans stood in overnight lines in front of the Apple Store to be among the first to buy an I phone 5. Some had been there all week. The I phone 5 features a bigger screen, lighter and slimmer frame, faster processor and 4G LTE wireless connections. The I phone is the most popular smart phone since its existence and has sold over 244 million units since it unveiled 5 years ago. This is important because the electronics that are coming out now are affecting the technology industry. Are economy is quickly becoming more technologically advanced. This a good thing but is also something that people should watch out for. We don't want technology taking over our lives. The I phone has been the big thing in the past week. It was important for someone to right an article about it to give us more information about the phone.



  1. How many iPhones are they going to come out with. I will never wait overnight for a phone, that's crazy!

  2. I know a couple people who waited out the night to get their new iphone. I think it's a very helpful phone in this environment.

  3. Whats nect iphones 6-500? haha

  4. Should I even ask the question what's next? Let's just say Iphone 5s is around the corner! Waiting in line for a phone is ridiculous!!!
