Friday, September 21, 2012

Man Shot After He Admits Impregnating His Girlfriend's 11-Year-Old Daughter

So imagine your 11-year-old daughter has stomach pains. You and your boyfriend decide to take her to the hospital. After some tests, the cause of the stomach pain is revealed: Your 11-year-old daughter doesn't have the flu nor food poisoning. Nope. She's pregnant. So, just as you're trying to adjust to this astounding news, your 42-year-old boyfriend asks for the keys to the car so he can run an errand. And he never returns. This story gets much, much, much worse before it's over. [ from the article above]

Okay for 1 thats disgusting , and weird . Also I just don't understand why you could even have a  though to think that is okay ,nor just apologize and get away with it ummm... NO NEVER !! I'm honestly speechless,and have no idea what to even add on i don't know what do you guys think?

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