Wednesday, September 19, 2012

School District Bans Father-daughter, Mother-son events

A school district in Rhode Island has banned father-daughter, mother-son related events. This might seem a bit strange at first, but when you hear the story behind it, you might understand it a little more.
The school district banned these types of events because one girl never participated in the father-daughter events, she said that she doesn't have a father or a father figure in her life. The district felt that no student should not be able to participate in events such as these. The solution to the problem was to simply ban the events in the district. Now instead of having those individuals not participate, they don't have to worry about it anymore.
Do you think this decision is fair? Comment your response I would really like to hear your opinion!
If you want to read the full story click on the link below.


  1. I don't know how I feel about this. I know it's not fair for the kids who cannot participate, but I feel like kids should still be able to participate in the activities with their parents.

  2. When I was young I remember going to father daughter dances, and they were really fun. A solution for this could be having events that any parent or guardian can come to so others do not feel left out.

  3. I think that these kids without a mother or a father should also be able to participate. It may not be the kids fault if they don't have a mother or a father, so why should they not be able to participate? I think that if the kids don't want to participate, they shouldn't have to. If they want to participate then let them bring their other parent or let them go with a friend and their parent.

  4. I remember my school having these kind of events. I never went because my dad never wanted, nor had the time to go with me. So I can relate to the people who couldn't go, because they didn't have a parental figure in their life.
