Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Girl Paddled by Male Principal by Sylvie Lednicky

In Springtown ISD, a girl let another student copy from her homework. She was caught, and her teacher gave her two options for punishment: detention or to be paddled. She chose to be paddled, and her mom was called. Her mom thought that it was fine, because her daughter didn't have time to be in detention. Later, she found out that it was a male principal that had paddled her daughter and she got very angry. I don't think it matters either way, and that the woman shouldn't have been mad. Her daughter chose this punishment and she said it was alright.



  1. I think this type of punishment is unacceptable by either gender, whether the student decided on it or not.

  2. It is not a teachers job to punish us physically at all. They are here to teach us not to paddle us POINT BLANK. That should be the end of the matter case closed.

  3. I agree with Walker. Regardless of gender or what the student has done, that form of punishment is wrong. I believe strongly in that. The students mother should have informed herself more, I am ashamed for her. Some people really need to get it together.

  4. Am I the only one who thinks that paddling at school is extremely weird and messed up..?

  5. This is not right for anyone. People should just keep their hands and other objects to themselves.

  6. Paddling shouldn't even be used, punishment is the parents choice, not the schools and not even the kids!

  7. The gender of the person giving the punishment doesn't maatter! It's punishment! And I disagree with the above comments. Half of my education was at a school where kids were paddled if they misbehaved and sometimes, the parents would even come in and paddle with the person giving the punishment(who was male). The kid got their punishment and didn't do it again. I don't see the big deal. Her and her mother agreed on a punishment and it was given, bottom line. I've been paddled before and it's an effective method. And as any of you who know me, I'm far from corrupted and I think schools should continue giving corporal punishment.
    -Kennedi Mayes

  8. I agree with Kennedi... especially in this situation. The girl did choose to be paddled. Her mother agreed!

  9. I dont think the paddle is right, but the mother should not be mad. She choose for the girl to get paddle but got mad when she finds out its a man.

  10. Springtown is a very small, country town where paddling is still acceptable in the rules. Administrative still believes that a teacher has the right to discipline a student through physical pain. But physical punishment, no matter what gender, should not be acceptable. This sort of abuse is ridiculous, and there are other ways to punish a child. Springtown needs to get with the times, update their code of conduct, and make sure this doesn't happen again.
