Monday, September 24, 2012

Spankings in Texas Schools? Megan Darlington

A recent report in Srpingtown, TX claims that a 15 year old girl was spanked in class by a male vice principal for letting her friend copy her homework. The mother of the daughter is trying to get the policy changed so that corporal punishment be banned in schools. Her daughter complained that where she was spanked was "numb and burned". The mom had and issue that a male faculty was doing the punishment to her female daughter. The board is having a meeting about doing away with same-sex spanking. Similar incidents have happened with other kids in many highschools. Many states have banished corporal punishments so far.

This article was written by Joshua Rhett Miller, and was published September 24. I think all corporal punishment should be taken out of schools. Showing physical punishment to students is not a healthy way of living. I think that the schools should handle punishment in better way like detention, ISS, or suspension. Spanking is to harmful np matter the surcumstances at school.


  1. I love me spanking! LOL. Just kidding.

    This is horrible. It reminds me of the old days when they would do this in school. I think that vice principal should be fired. I'd like to see a teacher touch me -_- I'll go ninja on them. It's abuse. Child abuse. I hope he's fired. And I hope society spanks him.

  2. This is the stupidest thing i ever heard. They were talking about it on the radio this morning and I was like, "wait I thought that was illegal!" apparently not. High schoolers should not be spanked, even by their own parents. I would understand like a kindergartner being spanked by his/her PARENTS, but definitely not their teacher. that's just plain horrible.
