Sunday, September 23, 2012

Police Shoots A Man In A Wheelchair For Threatening People With A Pen - Lashaun Morgan

Summary: A Houston police officer shoots a wheelchair-bound amputee in the head. The shooting started Saturday morning when Brian Claunch (the wheelchair man ) refused to give his caretaker his cigarette and soda. He went into rage and started threatening people with a pen. A officer came to the scene and told the man to put down his items in hand, but the man refused and started to make his way to the officer. The officer shoot the man in the man the head.


Picture Source:

Analysis: The reason they wrote this article was to inform people of the injustice of the mentally ill man. The police shoot the man not knowing what he had in his hand. This takes place in Houston, Texas; on a Saturday morning. This article was written to American people to see the injustice of the world. To open up peoples eyes to this situation. To have us dig deeper into the corruption of the world. This article was written to show the world how unfair our law system can be.


  1. Wow this article is really interesting. It brings about a question of whether or not it was ok to shoot someone who was threatening others with a pen. I think the situation could of been handled in a more productive way without it having to result to this.

  2. Polie brutality is getting worse everyday. I'm pretty sure the cops could've restrained a man who was holding a pen.

  3. This is verry interesting, how do you threaten someone with a pen .. society now days !

  4. He could have shot that man ANYWHERE, but it just HAD TO BE IN THE FLUFFING HEAD.


    That police man could have just tried to calm the man down. He didn't have to use violence as a first resort.

  5. This is interesting. I feel bad for the man, but also if he had listened he probably would be alive now.

  6. The police are getting out of control. Although some may argue that it would be the man's fault for not listening, but what the policeman did is clearly unlawful.
