Tuesday, December 3, 2013


SUMMARY: Almost 60 years ago two babies were born and given to the wrong mothers. Today they have had DNA testing done that showed that the life and family they had lived was completely wrong! Both say how extraordinary the discovery is and that they are excited to meet their real families.

ANALYSIS: This is kind of scary....imagine the family you have isn't really your blood family! I mean they should still have strong connections with the opposite family but really get to know they're real family. Sadly on of the men's birth parents have both passed away so he will never get to meet them...



  1. That's so weird...It's like switched at birth the show! I wonder why they decided to do DNA testing.

    1. I was thinking the exact same thing! Thats really upsetting though that he will never get to meet his birth parents, due to the passing of them. I hope they are very happy with the family's they are with right now.

  2. well you're supposed to have blood drawn and scientists will do all sorts of testing on a single vile of blood, and that could've proven that the child had been given to the wrong parents

  3. I always think this kind of thing is very interesting. It would be weird to find out that you weren't really who you thought you were!

  4. That's scary, I feel bad for the family finding out they have been taking care of someone else's son.

  5. That would be a freaky experience to finally meat your real family after almost 60 years of living with someone else's family and not knowing it.
