Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Ukraine Explained in Two Parts. by Nash F.

The Ukraine a nation you have probably never heard about now (at least if you are American.) But how did come to be this way. 

Part 1: The Situation.

The Ukraine was given a deal by the European Union to become an associated ally. The leaders of the country were about to sign it until the Ukrainian Government changed it's mind at the last minute and continue a deal with Russia instead. This made the people furious, they wanted to have the deal with the E.U. be signed rather than to continue deals with Russia. So the people took to the streets and the protest have gone rampant. And this is nothing new, the Ukraine has been doing this for years due to historical reasons that are really complicated but essentially when they were Allies with the Soviet Union they worked to keep the citizens in the dark.

Part 2: A Resolution?

So far none in sight but the main problem is that no one is quite sure what the exact thing are the protecters protesting about. Are they protesting about not taking the E.U.'s deal or are they protesting this because they no longer want to be in the dark any more. The answer to this question will define what kind of actions the E.U. will have to take. If you ask me I think that this problem better be resolved soon because those protesters are mad and they just might want to lead a rebellion.


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