Sunday, December 1, 2013

French soldier accused of cannibalism- Julianne Swaykus

      Jérémy Rimbaud, who fought with British soldier against the Taliban, has just admitted to breaking into a 90-year-old's home in Nouilhan and beating him with a metal rod until he died. After he died, he cut him open with a penknife, then cooked and ate his tongue and heart. Jérémy is 26 years old.
     I think that this is a very creepy story and I feel bad for Jérémy because he has post traumatic stress disorder because he served in the war.


  1. This is really weird. I feel bad for him though, since he has post traumatic stress disorder. Its weird how this is the second article on cannibalism I've seen on this blog this week, and they're both about different cannibalistic cases.

  2. This is disgusting and scary. Hopefully this website will be watched closer to make sure this doesn't happen.
