Monday, December 2, 2013

BBC SHERLOCK! by Polly Hynds-Riddle

BBC's hit show sherlock has been way over due for it's 3rd season. it had left its fans waiting for 2 years but the fandom is going strong and screaming for more of the perfect on screen chemistry of Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman as Sherlock and Watson n a modern day london. For the us the dates had been released over a month ago (jan. 19 for the first of three) but the british fans have only just now jotted that it will be on
that is right january first that The Empty Hearse  will be premiering on BBC for the eccentric british sherlokians!!

I'm a fan of the series and cannot wait to see how they solve the big cliffhanger at the end of season two  i cannot go into detail because i wouldn't want t spoil anything for anyone but it was a doozie (expected because of the books but unexplainable) 


  1. Thank you for not spoiling anything, because I know you and I both want me to start watching Sherlock sometime. :)
