Monday, December 9, 2013

Sleepover on the Airplane by Zoey Crummey

Tom Wagner fell asleep as he was taking his flight from Lagayette to Houston, as many people do on airplanes. The next day he woke up in a dark, empty, and locked plane. Apparently nobody had thought to wake him up when the plane landed, and none of the flight crew saw him as they were leaving the plane. It's all very unusual, especially since Wagner claims he isn't a very deep sleeper. When he was discovered later on, he received a free hotel room and a $250 voucher from United. 

This is so odd to me that something like this could happen! You would think that somebody on the plane would have noticed and woken him up! I guess not. I hope this never happens to me, I know I'd be scared if I woke up in a dark and empty plane all by myself. I doubt this will ever happen again, and I'm glad he received some money for his trouble.


  1. I conpletely agree with you! I wonder when he finally got out?

  2. Thank goodness they found him quickly. Imagine what would have happened if they didn't check the plane until a week or so later.

  3. Thats pretty freaky. Just another example of people just not caring about each other.

  4. This is so odd. I would also be scared if I were trapped on a plane by myself.
