Saturday, December 7, 2013

Sweden spying on Russia? by Josie Blossfeld

Summary: Sweden's intelligence agency has been caught spying on Russian leaders and sharing the information they gathered with NSA. Communications have been heard between Swedish spies and the NSA, in which the NSA thanked Sweden for its "continued work on the Russian target". In an interview, a journalist by the name of Glenn Greenwald commented on the recent relations. Direct quote from news report (referring to the NSA and Sweden's involvement in the espionage): “work together when they perceive that their interests are mutually aligned and share information readily about a whole variety of topics, again having nothing to do with national security, including the energy sector in Russia.” 

Analysis: This is real sus. What do they need the business info for? Seems like just them being nervous about economic competition, and the competitive business industry, but trust is a much needed thing in countries like Russia and Sweden. Hopefully nothing will blow up between them.



  1. Sweden has always been neutral in wars. They have nothing or very little to gain from spying on Russia.

  2. First of all, Trev, I don't see me mentioning any wars in here, do you? No. Second, it's for business reasons that Sweden would spy on Russia, which they have much to gain from, nothing about having a war over it. It's nothing to do with national security, just mutual benefit with the NSA over the information gained.
