Saturday, November 23, 2013

Albanian Prison Break- Amanda Maceda.

At around 6:30 Greenwich Mean Time, seven Albanian prisoners escaped from the Drenove prison area. Details of the jailbreak itself aren't available, but the local media says the men were able to disarm the guards. Also, most of these men were serving life sentences for murder, making them more dangerous. Only one man is said to have been caught, but special forces are heading their way. Road block have also been set up. source:
How could this even happen! SEVEN people escaped, SEVEN. All at once, no less. Seven murderous men can do a lot of damage and possible killing. What i find funny out of this is the number: 7. Reminds me of the seven deadly sin. I guess, in a way, they let evil escape. Hopefullly, they will all be snuffed out before they do any real damage.


  1. That's really scary! That jail needs to be more secure...

  2. This is horrible! I hope they find the murderers quickly, because I know I'd be terrified if I lived in that city and I knew that six or seven killers were running around town.
