Monday, November 4, 2013

Pope visits Brazil by am Stromness

Pope Francis recently made a visit to Brazil. There he talked about changes he was making as pope. One thing I found particularly impressive is the way he reached out to the poor and spent a great deal of time in the slums. He talked about putting emphasis on being more loving toward others.

While I'm definitely not Catholic, I have been pretty impressed with the little I've heard of the new Pope. Pope Francis seems to be much more loving and seems less "high and holy" (not to offend anyone) than the other Pope and even though I don't believe in Catholicism he seems like a genuinely good person.

1 comment:

  1. Out of the Popes catholics have had , this guy is my favorite. He is more on the level with poeople and in my opinion to be oen to changes rules in the religion. Rules, in fact, that caused me to leave the religion because i didn't think they were right.
