Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Typhoon by Gabriel David Giron Vives

Summery: In the Philippines, a Typhoon named, "Haiyan," is reeking havoc upon the people there. The typhoon has been destroying land, and killing many people. Bodies are still laid out on the streets and people are terrified, houses are being destroyed and other terrible things.

Analysis: This is sad. Natural disasters are very hard to predict. They kill, destroy, and take as they please for no good reason. There's no stopping them either. We just have to wait and see. Of course thats not totally true, we can always donate to help out. You guys should try that.

Well that's that.
Here's the link to donate.
And here's the news.


  1. Yah I find it really sad and devastating for those who lost family members and friends.

  2. it is really horrible. i have been hearing a lot about the lack of help but also about what is being done
