Monday, November 25, 2013

Apple buys company by: Eleanor E-W

A company that makes sensors (and was involved in the making of Kinect) has been bought by apple. Kinect allows people to 'connect' to their Xbox using more than just remote control, but their whole body. Apple spent a lot of money and it, and many people are trying to figure out what it will use the company for.

I think this is interesting. I'm not much of a video game person--so I've never heard of Kinect, but the compnay sounds interesting. Sometimes I worry that use companies like Apple might be getting to much power and information.



  1. Many people are concerned that even though advancing technology is great, it is taking over our lives and will eventually be used to control us (like in many dystopian novels), but I believe that will only happen if we go along blindly and if we're not aware of what we are buying, and since there is more and more awareness, it probably won't be that way.

  2. It's true everyday we use technology and yes, it is EXTREMELY helpful but we can't live a day without it

  3. the world is developing at an incredible pace and i agree with frances that it won't become bad until we stop paying attention

  4. I agree with Polly and Frances. Technology could be used to better our lives and work to our advantage, but we need to be careful with our approach. We need to make sure we still pay attention to the everyday, and take care of things like our environment. That's really cool though! I wonder what they're going to do with the motion sensor technology. It will be interesting to see what device they come up with

  5. I think this is interesting, I want to see how apple uses this technology on their products
