Saturday, November 9, 2013

Mexico mayor killed by drug gang by Josie

Summary: Ygnacio Lopez Mendoza was found dead in his car last Thursday. He headed the small town of Santa Ana Maya, and had been threatened consistently by drug gangs in the state of Michoacan, for speaking out about the Knights Templar cartel. Suspects continue to be members of the Knights Templar drug cartel.
Analysis: It is a tragedy that mayor Mendoza, who had been working hard to defend against drug cartel's in Mexico, has died. However, I am glad that this has brought more attention to the drug epidemic in Mexico. Hopefully this will strengthen the awareness and fight to end drug wars in Mexico.


1 comment:

  1. I really hope that this incident will raise more concerns and actions against the drug cartels in Latin America. They are very dangerous and violent, and I hope something will be done about them soon.
