Sunday, November 24, 2013

Doctor Who celebrates 50 years! by Anna Pickett

     On November 23, 2013, the television show Doctor Who celebrated its 50th anniversary. In 1963, the very first episode premiered, with William Hartnell starring as the lead role, a character known as "the Doctor." Essentially, the show is about a time-travelling alien who travels throughout time and space with a companion. After a few seasons, Hartnell had an illness that rendered him unable to continue in the show. The creators quickly came up with an easy way to continue the show: the Doctor will regenerate when the character dies, which means that his appearance would change. Since then, there have been 11.5 Doctors (William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvestor McCoy, Paul McGann, Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, and John Hurt).
The half Doctor is John Hurt, who is a regeneration of the Doctor, but isn't labeled as the Doctor (it's all explained in the anniversary special, it's really confusing). Matt Smith is the current Doctor, but is being replaced at Christmas by actor Peter Capaldi. On Saturday, the 50th anniversary special was simulcast around the globe.
It was shown in theaters in multiple locations, and shown in 3D is a select amount (luckily, there was one in Plano). It was shown on television as well. Doctor Who is the longest running Sci-Fi television show, and it definitely deserves to go on for another 50 years! I saw the special on Saturday, and it was one of the best things to ever hit the TV/movie screen. It starred David Tennant, Matt Smith, John Hurt, and special appearances from Tom Baker and the other Doctors.
Left to Right: Steven Moffat, John Hurt, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Jenna Coleman
The writer, Steven Moffat has outdone himself once again. There were funny moments (like Tennant's Doctor talking to a rabbit), creepy moments (a transformation to an alien), hopeful, happy moments (Smith talking to Baker at the end), suspenseful, exciting (basically everything), and sad moments (the very end). Moffat, as a writer, is able to develop exciting plots that leave you wanting more. It was fantastic! If you haven't seen the show, go watch it!

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