Saturday, November 9, 2013

Toronto Mayor once again caught doing ridiculous stuff. By Jackson Daughety

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford recently admitted to smoking crack cocaine, after previously denying it. It seemed at first that was the end of it. Then he claimed he didn't remember using the drug because he was drunk at the time. Clearly this drinking problem is still causing him trouble because a video was just found of him making profane death threats to an unknown person. Clearly drunk, He said: "When he's down, I'll rip his ##### throat out" and "I'll poke his eyes out" and "I'll make sure that ##### is dead.". Nobody knows who he was talking about or what the context for the video was. How is this guy still the mayor? He is clearly not a virtuous person, and he shows no signs of stopping. Even though if he refuses to step down the Canadian government should just get rid of him by any means possible. He is not cut out for being in the public eye, and the sooner he gets out of it the less embarrassing things he will do.

1 comment:

  1. how did a person like this even get elected. he should have been impeached already.
