Monday, November 18, 2013

Doctor Who 50th by Polly Hynds-Riddle

On November 23, 1963 the fist episode of doctor who aired with the first Doctor William Hartnell and is currently on the eleventh Doctor Matt Smith and will be going onto the twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi in this year's christmas special. the show is in the science fiction genre of television. The Doctor is an alien from the planet Gallifrey (in the constellation of Kasterborous, at galactic co-ordinates 10-0-11-0-0 by 0-2 from Galactic Zero Centre.) His story is that he still a T.A.R.DI.S. (time and relative dimensions in space/ time and space machine) and ra away. this event is going to happen world wide. people everywhere are going to tune in and watch the 50th anniversary episode The Day Of The Doctor this saturday, november 23, 2013!

i personally am very excited for this! i have been waiting for it for a long time! the best thing about it is i have many friends who are excited as well so we are all going to see it together dressed as there characters from the series 


  1. I'm so excited!!!! I'm seeing it on the 25th! The wait is torture!

  2. I really need to start watching Doctor Who.... But I know The Day Of The Doctor was yesterday, and most of my friends were super excited to watch it. Hope you liked the episode!
