Saturday, November 9, 2013

Paris, plays, and Pyrotechnics- Amanda Maceda

Yesterday at about 6 pm in Paris, France, a large are of Palais de Sports venue had an explosion. "A technician is said to have accidentally ignited pyrotechnic devices being used in the show." Theres a rumor that a power tool may have triggered this explosion, which collapsed a wall and part of the ceiling. One is dead, and about fifteen are injured, about a third of these seriously. Others close by got their hearing examined. The venue was preparing to preform The Lovers of Bastille, a musical about the French revolution.
At first when I came across this article, I thought it was going to be revealed to be purposley caused. I read on though and found it was just an unexplained accident. Reanilizing what just happened in my head, i became sad. The hope in humanity's own humanity is fading away. With all the shooting and terror attacks, people are beginning to expect the worst of people instead of the best. Perhaps one day, we will be able to change. SOURCE-


  1. I'm the same as you, I expected it to be done purposefully. Now I feel bad for expecting the worse out of the human race. I hope that the injured get better!

  2. I wonder what could have been done to prevent the explosion. If there was anything I hope that these precautions have been taken. Hopefully the injured get well soon!!
