Saturday, November 30, 2013

Are Russian children happy in the U.S.? by Josie Blossfeld

Summary: Much debate has been circulating around whether or not Russian children can be happy in the United States. There have been many issues regarding the care for Russian foster children in America in the past that were never taken care of properly. Russian leaders argue that the agreements they come to with foreign countries regarding Russian foster kids are usually not productive, especially in these cases with the United States. Russian leaders now wish to control these matters in the U.S. through their government.

Analysis: If it's true that Russian immigrant foster children have not gotten proper care from their parents, Russian leaders should be allowed say in what happens to them in the future. Russia is a part of that child's culture even if they are in America, and to know one's own children are being done harm and not be able to do anything about it would be awful. Americans in charge of these foster children should cooperate to figure out what is best for the child.



  1. We should be a lot more careful with other countries children. Just like with animals if we mess with the children we might upset the parents

  2. Why is it specifically Russian Children? Maybe we should check other nationalities, too. I mean, I doubt people are targeting russian foster children. But yeah, the US chould make sure the childrens are being treated with care.
