Sunday, December 16, 2012

50 Shots fired outside mall by Sydney May

Sydney May

     Orange County authorities reported that at least 50 gun shots were fired outside of a mall not too long ago. It was a day after the mass shooting in Connecticut, during a huge Christmas shopping day at the mall. According to witnesses, 42-year-old Marcos Sarinana never aimed the gun at a person. He was said to be shooting the gun into the air and at the ground standing next to a car in the parking lot; a very isolated event. Nobody was hurt, and he was taken into custody immediately after without a fight. A very strange event, unsettling many. This article was written by Reuters, and it was very informative, and I didn't sense any bias. It was written for all audiences, not being too graphic or anything that wouldn't be appropriate for younger readers. Its interesting to see the strange things people do. Im curious as to why he did this, as he wasn't aiming to hurt anybody, and when they took him into custody, he went in without a fight. Who's to know?


  1. That is so weird that people do things like that.

  2. That is so weird. I am so glad no one was hurt.

  3. That man has some mental problems or something. I am glad no one got hurt though.
