Monday, December 24, 2012

Bike Around the World by Sarah Richman

32 year old, Juliana Buhring, of Naples, has become the first woman to ride around the entire globe on a bicycle. One day she just decided, " I'm going to ride around the world.", and she did! She went through 152 days, 18,000 miles, 18 countries, and 4 continents! She got hypothermia in New Zealand, where she thought she would die. Thankfully, a nice old couple helped her by feeding her and letting her rest. Although the trip was very difficult she was so thankful she did it. 

"I remember getting to the top of a very high mountain in Greece, after a really hard ride, and being up above the clouds. I soared down the mountain with the sunset in my eyes and music in my ears. That was the best feeling in the world. I have never felt more alive."


  1. thats so great that she was able to achieve this!

  2. That's really inspiring! Even through struggles and hardships, she achieved her goal. It's crazy...she averaged over 118 miles a day. I really like the quote at the end.
