Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Freezing Weather - Elvira Gamboa

In Ukraine 83 people have died of the cold and there are many more who have hypothermia and frostbite. To help people warm up around 2800 heating areas have been set up for people to use. The lowest emparture in Ukraine, so far has been -17 degrees Celsius. Something similiar happened in Ukraine last year. It was very cold from January to Febuary which caused more than 110 people to die. The article also adds that "90% of the deaths were alcohol-related" which means many of the people had tried consuming alcohol to keep warm.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/22/world/europe/ukraine-cold-deaths/index.html?hpt=ieu_c2


  1. This is horrible. I hope people will begin to take cover and stay warm

  2. Is this because people are staying outside or do not have the proper heating systems because of the area?

  3. So the alcohol didn't work? If I'm ever in a situation like that, I'll try to remember. I wonder what these "heating stations" are like.

  4. All those poor people!! I hope that nobody else dies from the weather. I bet its feels awful to freeze to death.

  5. Wait- so most people didn't actually die from cold, but from trying to keep warm with alcohol? I wonder how much they tried to drink to stay warm. But this is really sad, and I can't even imagine living in such freezing, miserable conditions.

  6. It's so sad that so many people have to die simply because they can't keep warm. I hope that none of those poor people who still have frostbite and hypothermia aren't children.
