Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Gay Marriage for England and Wales? by Kendall Ray

     Great strides are a possibility for the future England and Wales. Early in 2013, a measure will be proposed to allow same-sex marriage in these two places of Europe.
     The woman behind all of this name is Maria Miller. She will also be introducing the plans for this matter today. They have decided not to force religious groups to be a part of these marriages, but will give them the choice to "opt in". Miller said, "I feel strongly that, if a couple wish to show their love and commitment to each other, the state should not stand in their way. These changes will strengthen marriage in our society and ensure that it remains a modern and vibrant tradition. And we are also building a fairer society for all." I couldn't have said it  better myself.
Analysis: I am quite thrilled that England and Wales are doing this. Other people may not see it the way I do but, I believe that this is truly a brilliant thing, a step in the right direction. I am a supporter if same-sex marriage and hope that other countries will follow in Wales and England's footsteps. Hopefully one day, it will be legal everywhere.

Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2012/12/11/world/europe/same-sex-marriage-england-wales/index.html?hpt=ieu_c2

1 comment:

  1. I also agree! I believe this will encourage other countries to do the same!
