Monday, December 17, 2012

How Dunblane Reacted to the 1996 Shooting -Hadassah Lai

In 1996, in a small Scottish town called Dunblane, a shooting had occured in a school. The result had costed 16 young innocent children their lives. A few teachers had also died in the process and their deaths had all their family and friends much grief. The government of the United Kingdom then brainstormed ideas to see how they could stop such a tragedy from happening again. The result was to ban all private ownership of guns anywhere in the UK. This law is probably one of the toughest law to follow in the world. However, since 1996, no shootings in the UK has happened yet.

I think that this law is an extremely wise idea. The United States has suffered more shootings in 2012 than in any other year and has one of the highest rates of shootings in the world. The fact that all these shootings has caused many innocent lives by some lunatic of a person just makes me infuriated. I think that the United States' government should follow after the UK's footsteps and ban all private ownership of guns. Yes, many people will retaliate saying that the gun is for their own safety. I think that without people owning private guns we will have a safer environment and it will discourage sinister people from executing a shooting.


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