Monday, December 17, 2012

"Ready. Set. Memorize!" By sydney magnall

This years world memory championships are going to be held in London. This event is where people from all over memorize the most numbers, faces, playing cards or random words in a set amount of time. Dong Xun, Who is 10 says, "I want to remember 250 this time," he says. Yudi Lesmana says he can memorize about 25 decks of cards an hour. these competitors are using there brains to remember things where most people just use there phones. This boosts there brain power. Nelson Dellis, The U.S, champion says he started because his grandma had Alzheimer's and he wanted his memory to get better. I really liked his quote when he said "Because people realize that they're not using their brains as much," "They notice that they don't remember numbers or addresses because they're always typing them into their smart phones, you know?" 
     I never would have guessed an event like this actually occurs. I really am glad that something like this does take place. Its good to know people are not always relying on their smart phones to memorize stuff.


  1. Sorry to be a prune, but *their and this is so cool! I wish I could memorize things that well.

  2. Wow this would be such a hard thing to do! props to these kids participating

  3. I bet that stimulates your brain so much! These kids are going to be so smart!

  4. WOW! These participants work hard. This is an interesting contest and article.

  5. Amaria Stern
    Its pretty neat how God can bless children with gifts like these.
