Monday, October 17, 2016

10/17/16 World Hungry is Still an Issue- Theresa Dvorocsik

These days all people care about the election, and while this is important, other deadly tragedies happen around the world every day. The biggest headlines today are only about what Trump is doing wrong and nothing about how only 1 out of 8 humans do not get enough food to eat on  a daily basis. And how 21,000 people die every day.

I know one person like you or me cannot make a change but people need to be more aware and focus on other current events happing around our world and even in our neighborhood and school.

1 comment:

  1. i think that's really true that everyone is so caught up in the election, but there are much worse problems at hand in our own country, even in our city. people should look around and stop ignoring all the issues in our country like hunger, climate change, and so many other things.
