Monday, October 17, 2016

Trump calls himself a victim- By Valerie garcia (current event #8)

For the past days women have been speaking up saying that Trump has forced himself on them and groping them. Trump has spoke up and said all the allegations were false.
This could make trump possibly lose voters even if its 5% or 10% his polls could go below hillary. If these allegations are true which in my opinion are i don't think a man who takes women as possessions rather than people should become president.


  1. Well I honestly think would be a bad president. I hope he does not win the election. In my opinion, and my famifly's he is a bad influence for our society.

  2. Well I honestly think would be a bad president. I hope he does not win the election. In my opinion, and my famifly's he is a bad influence for our society.

  3. I hope he doesn't become president. Whether these allegations are true or not I don't think people would speak up about what has happened to them (relating to what Trump did to them) if they really didn't want people to just know the truth.

  4. I agree. Trump just doesn't want to lose his "popularity". He never takes responsibility for his actions, and it's the most pathetic thing i have ever seen.

  5. it's a good thing those women spoke up, so now people can see he's not a good choice as a president and he's just denying what he's been rightfully accused of.

  6. I think Donald Trump needs to clean up his act and grow up. He would make a horrible president. (Marcus Contreras)

  7. Honestly I'm tire of Donald Trump . He is not a good president . He doesn't answer the questions that people ask him , he goes around it .

  8. He calls himself a victim! Wow, I'm not surprised he doesnt't want to take full responsibility for his actions.

  9. It's very convenient that they would say something now right before voting and not before. I don't think he's the best guy honestly but I don't think he did this. I think he is sextis for sure but why would he do that, he's a billionaire who can have anyone he wanted plus he has a beautiful wife. It just doesn't add up.
