Saturday, October 29, 2016

Grace Biltz - Week 10 Post

Finally after 5 years, success for the environment! The world's largest protected marine area was established in Antarctica. Twenty-four countries and the European Union finally came together to form this reserve, that was in international waters, to protect the environment and 10,000 unique animal species. The species included penguins, whales, seals, krill, and colossal squid. The new rules will ban fishing, but allow for scientific research.

The marine area called the Ross Sea Region will be protected for 35 years. This was a compromise since Russia and China wanted fishing rights. Despite this compromise, it is a great success for the environment and the animals that live in it. Greenpeace, an environmental organization, is pushing for protection for at least 30% of ocean habitats.

I think this is terrific. We should do more to protect the environment and the animals that live in it. I don't think we do enough to help protect our Earth, but every step we take is progress!



  1. I agree that we need to protect the environment because after all, we live in it. Not many people know that the little things add up.

  2. I'm glad we're protecting the environment. Hopefully this sets an example for future environmental projects.
