Sunday, October 23, 2016

Australian Swimmer with cancer - Lauren Rothert

Mack Horton, Olympic gold medalist, found out that his mole was a little more than just a mole. He was advised to get it checked out by a fan after the Rio Olympics. The fan sent an email to the swim team doctor recommending Mack to get it looked at. Taking his supporter's advice he went to the doctor and found out it was melanoma. Mack Horton is very grateful to this fan and now he is more aware of his health.

This fan did an amazing thing for the Australian swimmer. It is unfortunate that Mack took the mole lightly and did not think to get it checked on. Hopefully in the future, he is more self aware and will realize when something could be potentially dangerous.


  1. That is good that the fan made him aware but very sad that he has cancer :(

  2. Cancer is always sad to hear about, and I'm glad the fan recognized that something might be wrong. I hope that they cure the cancer aswell.

  3. that's really scary to see that something that seems completely normal could be something as bad as cancer
