Monday, October 17, 2016

Aeva Ramirez, banned running on the play ground

Hillfort primary school in Cornwall, England has banned running on the play ground. They made this rule to keep kids safe on the play ground. The younger kids can now run but only on the soccer field. Parents have not been happy about this rule and say that kids will be kids. Cook, the principal, says that it has led to a 30% decrease in first aid incidents and a 80% drop in bad behavior.

I don't really see what the urgency is all about. What kid doesn't fall while running and scrape their knee every once and a while. I think kids can handle a couple of bruises, plus obesity these days is a growing problem and I don't think stopping kids from being active is the way to go. If the children are okay with it and it doesn't start conflict I guess it's okay and if this rule is really needed than it's fine.  


  1. You're right, kids are kids and it happens, but they won't be kids for much longer and soon enough they wont get to even have recess or anything. I think the school should just grow up and let the kids live their childhood.

  2. True, they can only get seriously injured if they fall from a high place. I think they should just enjoy their youth. You can fix scrapes with band-aids. That's why they have a nurse after all.
