Monday, October 17, 2016

Police beaten by suspect doesn't shoot by Ashley Mendoza

Police officer,name unknown, was being beaten by Parta Huff. Huff crashed into a liquor store and needed immediate help, however, he made it clear he didn't want any and struggled against police. He beat a ,name unknown, officer who refused to shoot him when her life was in danger claiming "she didn’t want her family or the department to have to go through the scrutiny the next day on the national news.”
I think she did the right thing, shooting the man would only make matters worse. I'd assume she would rather deal with the pain right then and there than face the consequences for the rest of her life. Besides, there was no reason to shoot him if he was unarmed and there were other officers present.


  1. They're just here to help us. Why would you do such a thing to a policeman? So what if you're on the news? She was only looking out for both the man, and her. I personally think she made the right decision.

  2. I think she did the right thing . She was defending herself .
