Monday, October 17, 2016

Limiting Use Of Harmful Chemicals

October 17th, 2016
Olivia Martin

Yesterday, 170 country's representatives gathered to officially to limit and possibly end the use of HFCs, which are the chemicals that have contributed so much to the earth's warming temperatures. This chemical is commonly used in A/C units or refrigerators. Limiting usage of HFC is a huge milestone for a greener and more sustainable future. Although, one issue to this solution is that developing countries will have to find some sort of alternative to the chemical, which won't be cheap.

It's really great that these chemicals are becoming more and more limited so they'll reduce impact on global warming. Hopefully someday HFCs might even be banned when we replace it with a sufficient alternative.


  1. I agree, this is a huge step towards a better planet. I hope people will begin to see that our planet is not made of money, and needs care to keep it from collapsing.

  2. I agree, this is a huge step towards a better planet. I hope people will begin to see that our planet is not made of money, and needs care to keep it from collapsing.

  3. I also agree with it. The planet already has so much to deal with and this could get us way closer to a better planet and a safer environment.

  4. It is good that we are trying to find solutions for the problems that we have created.I agree that if we keep on trying to make changes and improve what we have been doing it will ultimately create a happier and safer environment for the whole world.
